Friday, February 27, 2009



For the Lake Oswego Chronicle invitational show this summer I'm doing a painting of Kate Power and Steve Einhorn singing in the sunshine at Wallowa Lake. This was a magical day last September during Cycle Oregon, and the painting's title is borrowed from a song of theirs. I'm listening to their cd "Brick and Mortar" while I'm painting (thanks for the cd, Dad).

The exhibit is June 26-28 in Lake Oswego.

Portrait of Maddie

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Rehearsal

This painting was done live at (and to benefit) the Multnomah Arts Center auction. The initial charcoal sketch is about 8x10 inches. In-progress photos were taken during the hour and a half painting session. I would like to thank my support staff: Becky for taking photos, Bill for bringing me drinks, and everyone who stopped by to ask if it was paint-by-number.