Thursday, September 12, 2013

IN STILLNESS/IN MOTION: solo exhibition

I'm excited to announce the opening of a solo exhibition hosted by First Presbyterian Church in downtown Portland. I wanted to do a series of smaller unframed works on painted boards, partly to save the expense of framing (and make these more affordable) and partly for the constraints of using solid-color boards and incorporating the color into each picture. The subjects are all women who work at local establishments, engaged in various tasks, mostly food preparation. The staff at Baker & Spice  and Verde Cocina were terrifically cooperative in letting me be in their space to take pictures (thanks, favorite eateries!). 

The opening is September 15 from 11:30 to one pm. The First Thursday reception is October 3 from five to eight pm.  The address is 1200 SW Alder Street in Portland. The show is open from September 15 to November 3; gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9-4, and Saturdays from 9-1. 

The titles are listed BELOW each image; sizes listed are approximate. You can click on images to view them larger. 

 Barista III, 12x12"

 The Manicurist, 10.5 x 11"

 Bartender, 12x12"

 Pedicure, 9x12"

 Barista IV, 11x11"

 Barista II, 12x12"

 Layer Cake, 12x12"

 Market, 11x11"

 Dividing and Measuring, 12x12"

 A Refill, 9x12"

 Front Counter, 34x50"(click image to view)

 Barista V, 5x5"

 Waiting, 12x12"

 Order to Go, 11x11"

 Barista I, 12x12"

 Baker I, 12x12"

 Rolling Pastry Dough, 12x12"

Making Tortillas I, 12x12"


Mike Porter said...

How great for you, Aimee! I'm pleased to see you get the recognition. I hope it continues to build and build.

Carolyn Fisher said...

These are lovely, Aimee! Congratulations! I wish I could see the show in person. xox

Unknown said...

beautiful paintings!! love the details!
