Thursday, July 22, 2010

Art Party: collage & paint

Every so often I have an art party in my studio. This one was more of a collaborative workshop with me as the teacher. The idea is to use three elements to create a picture: an image from a magazine, a postage stamp, and a word or phrase. It's nice for folks who aren't expert painters because the magazine image gets you started and you can have a nice image in your painting without having to render it.

As you can see, there was a lot of variation and even departure from the three-element structure, but creativity is more important. If you have an idea, follow it.

The first image below, "We Don't Know for Sure" is my demonstration piece. The rest are collaborations (to various extents) with the other artists. Each person chose her own image, painted her board, pasted in the image and started painting, and at some point after that I got involved in refining the balance of the composition. I love this process because the resulting paintings are something neither I or the other artist could have come up with working alone.

"Om Shanti," by April with very little help from me.

"Bloom" is Sandy's piece from the last art party

"Not Knowing, I Really Can't Say"
by Sandy and me.

"This is Where the Miracles Happen"
by Sherie and me

"Take Nothing for Granted"
by Maggie with a little refinement by me.

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